Tampa International Airport Rent-A-Car Facility


Category |  Transportation

Client       |  Hillsborough County Aviation Authority

Location  |  Tampa, FL

The scope of this project consisted of the design and construction of a 16,700 sf, stand alone Rent-A-Car (RAC) counter facility, renovation on the Baggage Claim Level-Blue Side of the Landside Terminal and renovations to the 500,000 sf work area.

To relieve passenger queuing congestion at the baggage claim devices at the Baggage Claim Level of the Landside Terminal–Blue Side, it was necessary to relocate the RAC facility to a separate building. This structure was relocated within the landscaped fountain plaza area on the ground between the Landside Terminal and the Long–Term Parking Garage. Included as part of this facility are approximately 185 linear feet of counter space, administrative offices, restrooms and storage spaces. Modifications to the landscape plaza as required to site this facility included electrical, plumbing, an independent HVAC system and demolition of the existing RAC facility.

The 4,800 sf of space vacated by the RAC companies at the Landside Terminal Building - Baggage Claim Level were redesigned as additional circulation and queuing space. This portion of the work included interior finishes, signage, relocated services and storefront modifications.